A project allows you to group related permits together. It can also save you time and improve accuracy by copying the property, assessment, and owner info from the project to associated permits.
1. Log into CityReporter on the web using your city code, username, and password, then select the Permits & Construction button on the left.
2. Click Permit Management at the top of the screen. You must have a module role of Permit Manager, Setup Manager, or Administrator to access Permit Management.
3. In the Permit Management screen, click Projects on the left.
4. On the Projects screen, click the Create Project button at the top right. The Project Editor window will pop up.
5. Navigate through the tabs of the Project Editor window to enter the relevant information. Full details on each tab are included below.
The Project Editor
Details Tab
1.Enter project information in the required fields and any optional fields:
- Project Name (required)
- Address (required) – enter the address/location of the property or click Search Assessment to select a property from your assessment database
- City – defaults to your local city
- Enforce Permit Matching of Project Info – if enabled, permit fields including address, assessment info, and owners will be updated to match the project
- Project/Work Description
- Location Notes
- Get GPS – click the button and place a map marker to set the GPS coordinates
2. Click Next to move to the Assessment Info tab. In all tabs, the button will remain disabled until all required information is entered.
Assessment Info Tab
1. The Assessment Info tab has several optional fields that can be filled out if desired.
2. Click Search Assessment on this tab or the Details tab to Find and Select a property in your assessment database. Selecting a property from the Assessment Search window will autofill the permit address, legal description, roll number, owners, and other assessment fields if available.
3. Click Previous to return to the Details tab or Next to move on to the Owner tab.
Owner Tab
Tip: You can prefill the owner address from the Details tab by selecting Same as Property.
1. Click the Create button and enter the following information:
- Owner Type – can be the property owner or the permit applicant
- Primary – if multiple owners entered, one must be set as the primary
- Name (required)
- Address (required) – click Same as Property if the same
- City
- Province/State
- Postal/Zip Code
- Phone Number
- Fax
- Cell
- Email – if the owner’s email address is entered and the “Send email when filing” box is checked, an inspection report will automatically be emailed to that address when the inspection is filed from a mobile device.
2. Add additional owners or applicants in this tab by clicking the Create button at the top of the editor. You can also delete owners/applicants by clicking the Delete button.
3. Click Previous to return to the Type tab or Next to move on to the Permits tab.
Permits Tab
1. Click Create Application or Create Permit to start a new permit application or issued permit as part of this project. The address field, assessment info, and owners will be copied from the project to the new permit. These fields will not be editable in the permit if Enforce Permit Matching of Project Info is enabled on the Details tab. For step by step instructions on creating applications and permits, see our tutorials How To Create a New Permit Application and How To Create a New Permit.
2. Click Add to Find and Select an existing permit to associate with the project.
3. Permits that have been created from or added to the project will be listed on the Permits tab. Click Save to complete the project setup.