If your city accepts payments through their Permit Application Portal, you will be able to pay your permit fees online by logging into your portal account. The city will first send you an email notice requesting payment. Also see the related tutorials at Permit Application Portal Help.
1. The email requesting payment includes a list of fees, the total amount due, and a link to the portal. Click on the link to go to the portal login page.
2. Log in to your portal account.
3. Click on the Fees button to view the permit’s fees.
4. Click on the Pay Fees button to pay the total amount due.
5. Enter your credit card and other information into the form, and submit it. The payment form may look different from the screenshot below depending on which payment gateway your city is using to process payments.
6. After submitting the payment form, the payment transaction is displayed in the fees window. The payment processor will also send you an email receipt.