How to Set Up Your Cities and Jurisdictions

Create and manage your Cities and Jurisdictions which can you can associate to your permits and applications. If you’re in BC or Ontario, the settings on this screen are also used for importing assessment data.

1. Using your computer, log into CityReporter web with your city code, username, and password.  Select the Permits & Construction module in the left menu, then click the Setup button at the top of the screen, as shown. You must have Administrator permissions to access the Setup button.
CityReporter Permit Login Page

2. Click the Cities and Jurisdictions button.
click cities and jurisdictions buttons

3. In the Manage City/Community List section, you can set up cities that will populate the City dropdown of the Permit Editor. When “Force selection from City List” is enabled, you may only select from the list when creating/editing a Permit. When disabled, you may select from the list or enter a different city in the City field.

Click the Create button to set up a new a City.
create a new city

4. Enter a City/Community name (1). For our Ontario clients, you are also able to associate a City Number to this city (2). It is the first four digits of the property roll numbers in your city and is used for importing assessment data from MPAC.
city name and code

5. In the Manage Jurisdiction List section, click the Create button to set up a new Jurisdiction. In BC, a Jurisdiction is needed for both importing assessment data from BC Assessment and for reporting standard building permits to BC Assessment.
creating a jurisdication

6. Enter the Jurisdiction Description (1) and Jurisdiction Code (2). In BC, the Jurisdiction Code is a 3 digit number assigned by BC Assessment. If you don’t know your city or district’s code you can look it up here:
add details to new jurisdiction

7. Create as many Cities and Jurisdictions as needed. Click the Save button when done.
save your city/jurisdiction