Under the setup menu, you are able to edit a variety of general settings that will apply to your entire module.
1. Log into CityReporter on the web using your city code, username, and password. Select the Permits & Construction tab on the left, then click the Setup button at the top of the screen, as shown. You must have Administrator permissions to access the Setup button.
2. The following general settings are available to edit:
- Application Number – Enable this option if you want to track application numbers separately from permit numbers. See Application Numbers and Permit Numbers for details.
- Permit Number Generator – If enabled, new permits are automatically assigned a permit number with the chosen prefix. See Application Numbers and Permit Numbers for details.
- Default Settings
- Select the number of months to backdate the permit list in the Summary table
- Select the status of Permits when imported from another system
- Select the default start times and durations for the Scheduler tool
- Enable name and signature on issued permit printouts if desired
- Select units of measurement
- Enable additional columns for Location Notes, Inspection Type, and Permit Type
- Allow permits with unpaid fees to be issued
- Inspection Email/Mobile Reports – Check the options you would like included in the report emailed to owners/contractors and printed from the mobile app
- Indemnity Clause – Enter the text that will be printed at the bottom of a Permit. Enable the option “Include Indemnity Clause on Detail Report” to also print the text at the bottom of inspection reports.
- Default Permit Expiry Settings
- Select the number of months used to calculate a new Permit’s expiry date
- Select the number of days before a Permit expires to send an email notification to a user (set the user’s email address in the “Expired” field of the Permit Status Notification List)
- Select the Permit status used to calculate the expiry date on new Permits
- Permit Status Notification List – Select or enter email addresses for who should be notified for each type of status change.
- Permit Reminder Notice – Enable this option to send a reminder notice to owners and contacts by email a certain number of months after a permit is issued. Text entered into the text box will be included in the body of the email.
- Permit Expiry Notice – Enable this option to send an expiry notice to owners and contacts by email a certain number of days before a permit expires. Text entered into the text box will be included in the body of the email.
- Recurring Inspections – Enable this option to send a reminder notice to owners and contacts by email a certain number of days before the next inspection date is due. Text entered into the text box will be included in the body of the email. A calendar event can also be automatically added to the Scheduler a certain number of days before the next inspection date.
- Booked Inspections – Send a confirmation notice to owners and contacts by email when an inspection is booked in the Scheduler.
6. Click the Save button (floppy disk button at bottom right) when done.