Attachments can help make your inspection processes smoother, but as documents become outdated you may want to remove them from your permits. Follow these steps to remove your attachments, and check out our tutorial on How To Add Attachments To a Permit if you need to add new ones.
Removing Attachments from the Inspection Screen
1. Log into CityReporter web using your city code, username, and password. Select the Permits & Construction module, then double-click on the permit that has the attachment you would like removed, or click View.
2. Once in the permit, click on the Attachments button on the left side of the screen.
3. Click the Delete button for the file you want to remove.
4. Select OK to confirm you want to delete the attachment.
5. A message will appear at the bottom of the window confirming that your attachment has been removed. Press Close when done.
6. If you have removed all attachments, a zero will appear on the Attachments button, as shown.
Removing Attachments from the Permit Editor
7. Log into CityReporter web using your city code, username, and password. Select the Permits & Construction module and click on the Permit Management button at the top of the screen. You must have a module role of Permit Manager, Setup Manager, or Administrator to access Permit Management.
8. Find the permit or application that has the attachment you would like to remove and double-click on it to open it, or click the Edit button.
9. In the Permit Editor window, click on the Attachments button. Follow steps 3 to 6 above to finish removing the file.