Define unique Building Classes with a maximum time period. Applications/permits that are associated with a Building Class will populate in the Permit Application Approval Timeframes report. This report can be used to track how well your organization is meeting deadlines in terms of approving or denying an application.
1. Using your computer, log into CityReporter web with your city code, username, and password. Select the Permits & Construction module in the left menu, then click the Setup button at the top of the screen, as shown. You must have Administrator permissions to access the Setup button.
2. Click the Building Class Management button.
3. Click the Create button to set up a new Building Class.
4. Enter a Building Class Description and the maximum number of days until an application must be moved from “Application Accepted” to either “Approved for Issue” or “Not approved”. Click the Save button.
6. Once you have created a Building Class, you can now associate it to new and existing permits. As shown in the example below, on the Type tab of the permit editor, you can specify the permit’s Building Class by using the dropdown.
8. On the Reports page in Permit Management, select the “Timeframes Reports” from the drop down (1). Next, select “Permit Application Approval Timeframes Report” in the Types dropdown (2). Click the the Run Report button (3) to generate a report showing how well you are meeting your deadlines for approving or denying applications based on your building classes.