Set Permissions for Inspection Group/Work Order Group

In some cases, you may want to only allow certain users to create inspections and/or work orders in a specific Inspection Group/Work Order Group. The Permissions page allows you to select which users you would like to give access to for a given group. Inspection Groups/Work Order Groups are hidden to users who do not have permissions set on this page.

1. Using your computer, log into CityReporter web with your city code, username, and password. In any of the tagged modules, click on the Setup button. You must have Administrator permissions to access the Setup button.
Go to setup in Fire

2. Click the Permissions Button.
Select Permissions button

3. Locate the Inspection Group (or Work Order Group) you would like to limit access to specific CityReporter users. Click in the Allowed Users field and select a user you would like to have access to that Inspection Group. Repeat this for each user you want to give access.
select inspection group permissions in fire module

4. Click the Save button. Only allowed users will be able to see that Inspection Group tab on the Summary screen or see inspections in that group on the mobile app. In the Work Orders module, only allowed users will be able to download or create work orders in a Work Order Group.
save fire permissions page